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A full guide to renting in the UK: what to look out for from booking to moving in



2023-05-08 11:25:00 Have read:466 Interesting:0

As we all know, the UK property market has been very hot in recent years and every year a large number of international students go to the UK to study, and these students need to rent accommodation while they are studying. However, many students are not familiar with the process of renting an apartment in the UK. Therefore, the UK real estate editor will give you a brief introduction today.

  1、Identify a property: Recommend a suitable property based on factors such as move-in time, commuting distance and rental budget.

  2、Pay a deposit to lock in: After confirming the property, you will need to report the lease term and rent to the landlord. If the landlord agrees, you will need to pay one week's rent as a deposit for the booking.

  3. Provide information: Some of the documents and proofs you need to provide include proof of identity, proof of address, school offer, proof of visa and BRP card. If you have previously lived in the UK, you will also need to provide a previous rental contract.

  4、Advise the details of the contract: Tenacy, Agreement. confirm the terms of the contract, the specific amount (e.g. deposit, security deposit, rent, how to deal with breach of contract situations)

  5、Tenants need to pay rent and deposit: rent (calculated on a weekly basis, including a week's deposit), deposit (deposited in a supervisory account), council tax (council tax, students can download a letter of relief from the school), water, electricity, gas and internet charges.

  6、Successful move-in: Well, at this point, you are ready to move in! Enjoy your cosy space! Remember to take care of the furniture!

  Remember to bring your passport, visa and rental contract with you when you move in, just in case.


Good article, need your encouragement

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